简介:Knight Rider is a 2008 television film which was created to serve as a backdoor pilot for the new Knight Rider television series, a revival of the series of the same name which aired during the 1980s. This film does not refer to either the Knight Rider 2000 film or the Team Knight Rider television series.
Knight Rider is a 2008 television film which was created to serve as a backdoor pilot for the new Knight Rider television series, a revival of the series of the same name which aired during the 1980s. This film does not refer to either the Knight Rider 2000 film or the Team Knight Rider television series.展开
8.0 詹妮弗·加纳/高兰·维斯耶克/克丽斯滕·齐恩/李威尹/田川洋行/特伦斯·斯坦普/娜塔莎·迈尔兹/波布·萨普/Chris Ackerman/Edson T. Ribeiro/柯林·坎宁安/神奈川宏幸/Mark Houghton/Laura Ward/Kurt Max Runte/纳森尼尔·阿坎德/伊安·崔西/Taku Kawai/肯德尔·克洛斯/泰·奥尔森/詹森·艾萨克/汤姆·伍德鲁夫/